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Studio Policies

1 | Tuition Rates

Lesson prices* are as follows:

            30 minutes- $30.00

            45 minutes- $40.00

            60 minutes- $50.00


*Prices effective Sept. 1st 2016


One lesson per week is required. Fees are to be paid at the first lesson of the month in cash or check. Students have the option to pay weekly, but only in cash. Please refer to the year schedule regarding weekends there are no lessons.


2 | Credit lessons, make-ups and rescheduling:

No credits will be given for “No shows” and “no notice” lesson cancelations. If a student is sick, the parent must notify me ASAP, and a credit will be given for the next month for the lesson. Lessons are optional during school holidays. Please give me as much notice as possible if there are conflicts.


3 | Scheduling Conflicts: 

Scheduling conflicts can be difficult to accommodate with such a tight schedule. If a conflict arises, I will try my best to switch you with another student. If it is impossible to exchange lessons, no credit will be given for the lesson. I must be informed at least a week prior to the lesson if student needs to reschedule to give ample time to rearrange teaching schedule.


4 | Recitals:

Recitals are open to any student who wishes to participate. They are not mandatory, but an opportunity for students to demonstrate their progress and gain confidence in performing for others. Recitals are free to students; I just ask every family contribute one item to the post recital potluck. Students who have pieces that require piano accompaniment are responsible for paying pianist’s fee*. This fee will include a rehearsal and performance with the pianist. 


Students must RSVP 1 month in advance to confirm their participation in a recital. 


*Students who cancel within 2 weeks of the recital, will be required to pay pianist fee for their time and inconvenience. 


5 | Commitment:

Regular practice is a must to improve on a musical instrument. Please discuss with Ms. Emily practice tips and tricks to aid in home practice. Regular listening to solo music is extremely beneficial.


6 | Instrument Maintenance:

​Students with beautiful instruments thrive. Please obtain the best quality instrument that you can afford. Remember to KEEP A SPARE SET OF STRINGS, maintain the bow hair, and to carry rosin and a dusting cloth. Also, each student should own a music stand and a metronome.


Instrument Rental and Purchase: Please ask Ms. Emily before buying or renting instrument. It is very important to have a good quality instrument. Ms. Emily can help students save money while finding good instrument. The resource page also offers lots of places local and online for purchasing supplies and instruments. 


7 | Termination:

It is customary to give one month’s notice of your intention to discontinue lessons. Remember, it will not be possible to give refunds. Please talk to me and see if we can reconstruct your child’s learning environment before a final decision is made. Ask for help to understand and combat discouragement. Students with low commitment may be asked by me to make some changes or will be requested to leave.


8 | Lesson etiquette:

Kindly remove shoes, and enter quietly and unpack your cello near the waiting area. Thank you for assisting me in observing a private zone. If the room dividers are drawn, ask before leaving studio area. When you arrive a little before your lesson time, it assists me in beginning and ending on time.


Additional Opportunities

Outside of weekly private lessons, Ms. Emily would like to offer the following extra opportunities to students!


1 | Chamber Music:

Ms. Emily offers chamber coaching to students who wish to expand their ensemble skills. Groups will be formed based on age and skill level. Groups will have the chance to perform at the annual studio recitals, service performances at local libraries and retirement communities and compete in competitions.


2 | Music Theory Examinations:

Certificate of Merit examinations will be offered in spring each year. Student is prepared in theory and performance portion of the exam. Students can progress through the levels each year.


3 | Youth Orchestras:

Students are encouraged to join their local youth orchestra if they do not participate in their school program or to benefit ensemble skills. Ms. Emily can help prepare their audition and assist throughout the year with seating tests and music. Local groups include: SDYS, MMYO, CYO and YPO.


4 | Competitions:

Students have the opportunity to compete in various competitions and work towards new goals beyond recital preparation. Most competitions take place during the spring and summer semester!


5 | Concerts:

There are several great classical music concerts happening in San Diego every year. The San Diego Symphony and La Jolla Music Society put on great concerts every weekend. Hearing great music motivates students to practice and grow musically.


6 | Summer Music Camps:

Summer is a great time to study music in a concentrated environment such as a camp or festival. Music camps can be a great family trip with some programs offering great travel destinations. There are camps and festivals for every level and budget!

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